Tag Archives: The Thing From Another World

The Thing From Another World (1951)

Here comes the Thing...
Here comes the Thing…

Based on the 1938 novella WHO GOES THERE? by John W Campbell, THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD tells the story of a U.S Air Force crew, plus some scientists, who discover an alien being in the ice near a crashed flying saucer in the Artic. The block of ice that encases the extraterrestrial melts (after an electric blanket is thrown over it) and everyone is forced to defend themselves against the single-mindedly vicious killer alien.

Some advice: don't put an electric blanket on this ice block...
Some advice: don’t put an electric blanket on this ice block…

This is an extremely good 50s sci-fi horror movie that will always remain one of my all-time favourite flicks.

The iconic moment the crew mark out the shape of the spacecraft buried beneath the ice
The iconic moment the crew mark out the shape of the spacecraft buried beneath the ice

I love this movie’s overlapping dialogue, the way characters don’t finish what they’re saying as someone else cuts in. The cast acts naturalistically, are likeable, and Kenneth Tobey, playing Captain Patrick Hendry, is such a cool bastard!

Tobey is a really cool character in this film. Fact.
Tobey is a really cool character in this film. Fact.
I love this movie's ensemble cast
This movie’s ensemble cast is ace!

The Thing itself is a memorable creation: it is a hairless, sentient vegetable-being that can regrow its limbs, has thorn-like spikes on its hands and can reproduce asexually via seeds that germinate when fed on blood. This otherworldly killer (played by James Arness) regards humans (and Huskies) simply as food and has a raw intellect that is without passion or empathy.

One of the standout sequences involves the characters fighting off the Thing by hurling kerosene at the creature and setting it alight. It’s very thrilling stuff!

Flaming thrills!
Flamingly good action!
Tom Steele did the full-body burn stunt
Tom Steele did the full-body burn stunt
The shutting-the-door-fast scene is another great moment!
The shutting-the-door-fast scene is another great moment!

Our level-headed heroes finally defeat the Thing, but will more be coming?


“Keep watching the skies!”

Italian poster
Italian poster
UK poster
UK poster
Love the colours used in this poster
Love the colours used in this poster
Tobey breathing...