Tag Archives: Saint Nick (2010)

Saint (2010)

It’s a full moon and the Saint is coming…

'Fast-paced, gory and highly entertaining'
‘Fast-paced, gory and highly entertaining’
The Saint ain't pretty
The Saint ain’t pretty

Starring Egbert Jan Weeber, Bert Luppes, Caro Lenssen, Huub Stapel, Escha Tanihatu and Jim Deddes. Written and directed by Dick Maas for Parachute Pictures.

A victim gets his heap lopped off!
A victim gets his head lopped off!

Known as SINT in the Netherlands and SAINT NICK in the USA, this Dutch dark horror comedy features Netherlands’ version of Santa Claus (known as Sinterklaas) as a monstrous, lipless killer.

The film is titled SAINT NICK in America
The film is titled SAINT NICK in America

The plot concerns the former bishop Niklas (Stapel) going on a killing spree in Amsterdam whenever there is a full moon on December 5th. He is aided by his army of burnt-faced zombie helpers, the Black Peters (Zwarte Piet in Dutch).

Some of the Saint's evil helpers
Some of the Saint’s well-armed, evil helpers

This is an enjoyable Dutch film which features festive traditions that non-Dutch viewers might find odd. For instance, some people (though the custom has become much criticised now) celebrate this period of the year by dressing up as Zwarte Piet, using blackface and Renaissance-style clothes!

A guy dressed as Zwarte Piet has a blade rammed through the back of his head and out of his mouth!
A guy dressed as Zwarte Piet has a blade rammed through the back of his head and out of his mouth!

There’s a great sequence in SAINT where Niklas rides over the Amsterdam rooftops on his undead horse as he is chased by cops, ending with him and his steed crashing downwards through a building, onto the street below.

The Saint dashes across the city's rooftops on his horse!
The Saint dashes across the city’s rooftops on his horse!

There are also lots of over the top, fun gore effects to look out for, including arms and heads getting sliced off, loads of impalements, folks being run over and a victim getting chopped in two!

A blade through the throat!
A sword through the throat!

Bullets don’t harm the Saint, by the way, but Niklas certainly doesn’t like flamethrowers!

Niklas gets torched!
Niklas gets torched!

From the director of the murderous-bio-tech-elevator movie THE LIFT (1983), the serial-killer-lurking-in-Amsterdam’s-canals flick AMSTERDAMNED (1988), and the man-eating-lion-terrorising-Holland’s-capital-city creature feature PREY (2016), this Dick Maas horror film is an enjoyable, bloody, surprisingly well-made flick.

Niklas and his zomboid helpers
Niklas and his zomboid helpers

Finally, here’s a behind the scenes shot of the rooftop chase being filmed…

The pursuit over the rooftops is definitely the movie's standout sequence
The pursuit over the roofs is definitely the movie’s standout sequence